Persuasive Writing

 SQA FOLIO TEMPLATE - please ensure that your submissions to your your class teacher are handed in using the template provided. If this template is not used, your folio cannot be submitted to the SQA.

Persuasive Essay Writing
Basic Persuasive Essay Structure
A Simple Guide - techniques to include in persuasive writing
Linking Language - use at the end of paragraphs/ideas to link between main points
Manipulating Statistics
The Ten Commandments of Logic - Fallacies to Avoid

Exemplar first draft with reflection based notes - Let Hollywood Die!
Note: This is an example of the sort of thing that tends to get handed in as a "bad" first draft. This is lacking several features of a 'good first draft': word count/citation of sources within the text/bibliography as proof of research.

If you want decent feedback, it is important that you go beyond this!

Take the time to reflect on your progress and make improvements before submitting your piece to your teacher. Also, and it goes without saying, please proof-read your work. If it doesn't make sense to you, it won't make sense to your reader.

If you need help referencing your sources and creating a bibliography, consult this super-handy document:  Referencing Correctly in your Persuasive Essay
Exemplar - Pupil Redraft - Animal Welfare